Park your Citroen and come on in! Jack's Man Cave has the full bar, the tufted leather couch, the lacquer backgammon table, and the psychedelic electric fireplace. There’s also a Foosball table and the groovy Hamm’s Beer motion signs lit up and shimmering. Gaze at the mounted surfboards and guitars and the LP record covers on the wall. Let’s crank up the Mott the Hoople vinyl record on the turntable, neck a few Lowenbrau’s, and party like we’re in the ski lodge after a perfect powder day.
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
Sunday, January 17, 2021
"Man Protests Climate Change by Refusing to Surf Perfect Conditions"
"Man Protests Climate Change by Refusing to Surf Perfect Conditions"
Family and friends question motivations
Chula Vista Times
A Southern California man says he's registering a protest against Global Warming by refusing to surf the perfect conditions that have persisted in the Golden State over the last few weeks.
"I'm fed up," says Jack Clune, a 52-year-old husband, and father of two boys. Speaking from his home in Chula Vista, nearly 15 miles from the nearest beach. Clune says he is engaged in a peaceful protest- for now.
"It's f@#$% ridiculous. Every single goddamn day, the wind is offshore, it's sunny, and the waves are 4 to 6 feet and firing," says Clune.
He's also angry that he now has all the free time in the world to go to the beach and surf, with the Covid-19 virus bringing his job as a personal injury attorney to a halt. Clune says there are far fewer car accidents or dog bites since the world shut down.
"Look, when I was growing up, and an actually half-way decent surfer, the waves sucked! And whenever there was a swell, I had a final exam, or I just started some shitty new job where I couldn't leave."
Speaking with Clune's wife Tracy, she says she has doubts about Clune's stated beef with Global Warming.
"Jack was invited by a friend who really surfs, to go on the friend's boat to a secret surfing spot. The waves were perfect, but he was so fat and out of shape, he rode his surfboard like a Boogie Board the whole time, because he couldn't stand up. He also said the new XXL wetsuit he bought online was loose everywhere except the belly, so he got real cold fast."
We tracked down the friend to see if we could get the real story. Insisting on anonymity "B.L." did not initially return our phone calls.
"It was embarrassing. It's been a few years, so I thought it would be fun to invite him on the boat. The whole crew at the break saw him give up trying to stand, and Boogie Boarding the peak. I'm gonna grow a goatee, and give it a few weeks before I go back. I've been getting stink eye around the dock."
B.L. "Let down, and embarrassed" |
Speaking with Clune's wife Tracy again:
"I've never known him to be concerned with environmental or political issues. This is his first protest if you don't count the time Costco changed from Hebrew National to Kirkland hotdogs, and he took a few weeks off before he gave in."
Asked when his protest will end, Clune says he's monitoring the situation.
"If the water warms up, and the waves return to normal size in summer, I'll probably go back."
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Don't Drift; Fight the Resistance
Don't Just Drift Along; Fight the Resistance
Sit down in the chair and do the work- you owe it to us
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Not drifting |
The last few weeks I've been drifting
If I want to be a writer, I'm supposed to write every day
1. Get regular sleep and turn your phone off one hour before bed (I don’t)2. Drink lots of water (if your pee is too yellow you haven’t drunk enough)3. Be kind to people, but learn how to have boundaries and say no (don't be a doormat)4. Look people in the eye and have a firm handshake (Actually, I’d be fine if the handshake goes away forever after this Pandemic- let’s just shaka or do deep bows to one another)5. When talking to people, listen to what they say, rather than simply wait to say the next thing.6. Brush and floss your teeth (Don’t be a yuck mouth).7. Don't smoke or drink alcohol.8. Meditate for 10 minutes a day.9. Exercise (Use the Japanese Kaizen method- one push-up first day, two the second day, three the third day. Imagine where you’ll be in a year). Or use this method. Or this one.10. Eat healthily.11. Communicate really well with your spouse, kids, parents and friends.12. Wear nice clean clothes.13. Travel, but not too much (wherever you go, there you are).14. After a reasonable time, ask for a raise and if they don't give it to you, change jobs or be your own boss.15. Envision where you want to be five years from now and do something small every day to try to make it happen.16. Save money. Don't save it in a bank, invest it somewhere where it will grow (I don’t. I think the stock market is a roulette wheel for normal people like me, and a rigged carnival booth for the people with insider trading information. Look at all the politicians with insider information who sold off before the public announcement of the Pandemic. The stock market obviously has no relationship to the real world. How can the market be through the roof the last few months when the world is a dumpster fire? And the people who made the most money EVER in the stock market betted against us the normal people, that we would default on our mortgages and Countrywide would collapse. The banks sold us our mortgages and turned around and sold the insider bettors the tickets that we would default. Then when the bets came due the banks had no money to pay them, the banks collapsed, and none of the bankers went to jail. In fact they took our bailout money and paid themselves bonuses. Great system). But go ahead and invest in boring Index Funds- that's not the day trading lottery ticket investing that everyone talks about all day long at the water cooler and on the dumb "Mad Money" T.V. shows.17. Buy real estate (With all that extra money you have laying around).18. Make a Will (Living Trust better).19. Believe in God, or if you don't, hedge your bets (watch on double speed) and act spiritual and be kind just in case there's a Hell. Or don't.20. Read Primal Screams from Jack Clune's Man Cave.
Allow myself to introduce . . . myself
Let me entertain you
The best part of my new writing adventure, so far . . .
Let me tell you, the feeling of not having to wonder "what if I [wrote, started a Vlog, made a movie] . . .?" is worth it to just give it a try.
There's plenty of time to pursue your passion, so don't quit your day job
Do not “follow your passion” if your main goal is to make money or be famous
Figure out what you are really good at, that people will pay you a lot of money to do.
If you want to be creative or "follow your passion," persistence is far more important than talent
A) You have to stop yourself from just "drifting along"; andB) You will encounter constant resistance in your effort to stop drifting
"The most important thing about art is to work. Nothing else matters except sitting down every day and trying." -Steven Pressfield
My surfing testimonial
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Almost the Author (And I'm not fat-shaming this fine fellow. Or woman. I'm just illustrating a point about myself) |
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Polska Kielbasa |
The whole time I remind myself, "This is the resistance. All of this is meant to make you never come back to the beach."
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Fighting the resistance! |
Step out of your comfort zone
"What if I would have just tried . . . ?"
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Susan Boyle- not drifting, fighting the resistance |
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